Paralogue Annotation for RYR1 residue 533

Residue details

Gene: RYR1
Reference Sequences: Ensembl variant: ENST00000359596 / ENSP00000352608
Amino Acid Position: 533
Reference Amino Acid: R - Arginine
Protein Domain:

Paralogue Variants mapped to RYR1 residue 533

No paralogue variants have been mapped to residue 533 for RYR1.

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See full Alignment of Paralogues

Known Variants in RYR1

ProteinCDSDisease ClassificationDiseasedbSNP linksEffect Prediction
p.R533Hc.1598G>A Other MyopathySIFT:
ReportsOther Myopathy Screening of the ryanodine receptor gene in 105 malignant hyperthermia families: novel mutations and concordance with the in vitro contracture test. Hum Mol Genet. 1999 8(11):2055-62. 10484775
Other Myopathy Skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor mutations associated with malignant hyperthermia showed enhanced intensity and sensitivity to triggering drugs when expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. Anesthesiology. 2013 119(1):111-8. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e31828cebfe. 23459219
Other Myopathy Actionable, pathogenic incidental findings in 1,000 participants' exomes. Am J Hum Genet. 2013 93(4):631-40. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2013.08.006. 24055113
Unknown Actionable exomic incidental findings in 6503 participants: challenges of variant classification. Genome Res. 2015 25(3):305-15. doi: 10.1101/gr.183483.114. 25637381
p.R533Cc.1597C>T Other MyopathySIFT:
ReportsOther Myopathy Scanning for mutations of the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) gene by denaturing HPLC: detection of three novel malignant hyperthermia alleles. Clin Chem. 2003 49(5):761-8. 12709367
Other Myopathy Skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor mutations associated with malignant hyperthermia showed enhanced intensity and sensitivity to triggering drugs when expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. Anesthesiology. 2013 119(1):111-8. doi: 10.1097/ALN.0b013e31828cebfe. 23459219
p.Arg533Serc.1597C>A UnknownSIFT: