Paralogue Annotation for SCN5A residue 1193

Residue details

Gene: SCN5A
Reference Sequences: LRG: LRG_289, Ensembl variant: ENST00000333535 / ENSP00000328968
Amino Acid Position: 1193
Reference Amino Acid: R - Arginine
Protein Domain: Interdomain Linker II-III

Paralogue Variants mapped to SCN5A residue 1193

No paralogue variants have been mapped to residue 1193 for SCN5A.

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See full Alignment of Paralogues

Known Variants in SCN5A

ProteinCDSDisease ClassificationDiseasedbSNP linksEffect Prediction
p.R1193Qc.3578G>A ConflictLQTS,BrSSIFT: tolerated
Polyphen: benign
ReportsOther Cardiac Phenotype Genetic and biophysical basis of sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome (SUNDS), a disease allelic to Brugada syndrome. Hum Mol Genet. 2002 11(3):337-45. 11823453
Putative Benign Nucleotide changes in the translated region of SCN5A from Japanese patients with Brugada syndrome and control subjects. Life Sci. 2003 72(21):2391-9. 12639704
Other Cardiac Phenotype The common SCN5A mutation R1193Q causes LQTS-type electrophysiological alterations of the cardiac sodium channel. J Med Genet. 2004 41(5):e66. 15121794
Other Cardiac Phenotype R1193Q of SCN5A, a Brugada and long QT mutation, is a common polymorphism in Han Chinese. J Med Genet. 2005 author reply e8. 15689442
Other Cardiac Phenotype Spectrum and prevalence of cardiac sodium channel variants among black, white, Asian, and Hispanic individuals: implications for arrhythmogenic susceptibility and Brugada/long QT syndrome genetic testing. Heart Rhythm. 2004 1(5):600-7. 15851227
Putative Benign Denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography screening of the long QT syndrome-related cardiac sodium and potassium channel genes and identification of novel mutations and single nucleotide polymorphisms. J Hum Genet. 2005 50(9):490-6. 16155735
Other Cardiac Phenotype A common SCN5A polymorphism attenuates a severe cardiac phenotype caused by a nonsense SCN5A mutation in a Chinese family with an inherited cardiac conduction defect. J Med Genet. 2006 43(10):817-21. 16707561
Inherited ArrhythmiaLQTS Prevalence of long-QT syndrome gene variants in sudden infant death syndrome. Circulation. 2007 115(3):361-7. 17210839
Inherited ArrhythmiaBrS Long QT and Brugada syndrome gene mutations in New Zealand. Heart Rhythm. 2007 4(10):1306-14. 17905336
Inherited ArrhythmiaLQTS SCN5A R1193Q polymorphism associated with progressive cardiac conduction defects and long QT syndrome in a Chinese family. J Med Genet. 2008 45(2):127-8. 18245395
Other Cardiac Phenotype Patient with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome and SCN5A mutation (R1193Q polymorphism) associated with Brugada type 2 electrocardiographic pattern. J Electrocardiol. 2009 42(3):250-3. 18976777
Benign Genetic testing for long-QT syndrome: distinguishing pathogenic mutations from benign variants. Circulation. 2009 120(18):1752-60. 19841300
Inherited ArrhythmiaLQTS [The clinical variability of and approaches to treatment of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias caused by SCN5A gene mutations]. Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk. 2007 (5):3-11. 17605181
Other Cardiac Phenotype A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing. Nature. 2010 467(7319):1061-73. 20981092
Benign An international compendium of mutations in the SCN5A-encoded cardiac sodium channel in patients referred for Brugada syndrome genetic testing. Heart Rhythm. 2010 7(1):33-46. 20129283
Other Cardiac Phenotype Common human SCN5A polymorphisms have altered electrophysiology when expressed in Q1077 splice variants. Heart Rhythm. 2005 2(7):741-7. 15992732
Other Cardiac Phenotype High prevalence of genetic variants previously associated with LQT syndrome in new exome data. Eur J Hum Genet. 2012 20(8):905-8. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2012.23. 22378279
Other Cardiac Phenotype An informatics approach to analyzing the incidentalome. Genet Med. 2013 15(1):36-44. doi: 10.1038/gim.2012.112. 22995991
Other Cardiac Phenotype Genetic mutation in Korean patients of sudden cardiac arrest as a surrogating marker of idiopathic ventricular arrhythmia. J Korean Med Sci. 2013 28(7):1021-6. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2013.28.7.1021. 23853484
Other Cardiac Phenotype An autopsy case of sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome with R1193Q polymorphism in the SCN5A gene. Leg Med (Tokyo). 2012 14(6):317-9. doi: 10.1016/j.legalmed.2012.04.009. 22682427
Other Cardiac Phenotype Mutations in Genes Encoding Cardiac Ion Channels Previously Associated With Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Are Present With High Frequency in New Exome Data. Can J Cardiol. 2013 23465283
Inherited ArrhythmiaLQTS Long QT syndrome and dilated cardiomyopathy with SCN5A p.R1193Q polymorphism: cardioverter-defibrillator implantation at 27 months. Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2012 35(8):e243-6. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-8159.2012.03409. 22519808
Other Cardiac Phenotype The implications of familial incidental findings from exome sequencing: the NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program experience. Genet Med. 2014 16(10):741-50. doi: 10.1038/gim.2014.29. 24784157
Other Cardiac Phenotype SCN5A mutations and polymorphisms in patients with ventricular fibrillation during acute myocardial infarction. Mol Med Rep. 2014 10(4):2039-44. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2014.2401. 25051102
Other Cardiac Phenotype Differential thermosensitivity in mixed syndrome cardiac sodium channel mutants. J Physiol. 2015 593(18):4201-23. doi: 10.1113/JP270139. 26131924
Other Cardiac Phenotype Rare genetic variants previously associated with congenital forms of long QT syndrome have little or no effect on the QT interval. Eur Heart J. 2015 36(37):2523-9. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehv297. 26159999
Other Cardiac Phenotype Evaluation of ACMG-Guideline-Based Variant Classification of Cancer Susceptibility and Non-Cancer-Associated Genes in Families Affected by Breast Cancer. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 98(5):801-17. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2016.02.024. 27153395
p.R1193Wc.3577C>T Putative BenignSIFT: deleterious
Polyphen: possibly damaging