Titin Variants in Dilated Cardiomyopathy

TTN Transcript / Exon Structure & Truncating Variants in Cardiomyopathy Studies

Titin - Exon 19

Details for Exon 19 of the Titin gene - Sequence Coordinates, Associated Transcripts, Functional Data, Truncating Variants and Sequence.

The exon number is based on the LRG numbering, as recommended for clinical reporting.


The genomic coordinates of HG19 and Locus Reference Genomic (LRG) and the CDS coordinates of the Titin meta-transcript for exon 19 are displayed below.

HG19 Genomic HG38 Genomic Locus Reference Genomic Meta-Transcript
StartEnd StartEnd StartEnd StartEnd
179,647,329 179,647,266 178,782,602 178,782,539 53,201 53,2643,101 3,164


Exon 19 occurs in the following Titin transcripts (the number indicates the exon rank of exon 19 in each transcript).

19 19 18 19 18 18 19

Functional Data

Region: This exon occurs in the near Z-disk region of the titin protein.

PSI: The "proportion spliced-in" (an estimate of the percentage of TTN transcripts that incorporate this exon based on RNAseq data) is 100% in DCM (LV tissue of 84 end-stage patients) and 100% in GTEx (LV tissue of 105 samples from Genotype-Tissue Expression project). (See Ref. 1 for details)

Symmetry: This exon is assymmetric, i.e. the length of the exon is not a multiple of three and therefore removal of it will alter the reading frame.

1. A. M. Roberts, J. S. Ware, D. S. Herman et al. Integrated allelic, transcriptional, and phenomic dissection of the cardiac effects of titin truncations in health and disease. Sci. Transl. Med. 7, 270ra6 (2015).

Truncating Variants

The following TTN truncating variants affecting this exon have been described in major published studies (click on the study name for more details):

StudyCohortPatient IDVariant (CDS)Variant (protein)Variant Type
NEJM 2012ControlsN-50c.3101-2A>Tessential splice site


Size of Exon: 64 bases           Ensembl ID: ENSE00002282639


ATGC = coding sequence, ATGC = non-coding sequence